Thank you so much for thinking of me! I have to apologize for taking SOOOOO long to say 'thank you' it has been crazy busy up in here! =) So back to the be completely honest with you I know what versatile means, but to give you a definition, I couldn't. So here is what it means to be versatile... =)
Definition of versatile
1: embracing a variety of subjects, fields, or skills; also: turning with ease from one thing to another
2: having many uses or applications
Rules of the 'Versatile Blogger Award'
1. Thank and link back to the person who nominated you
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Send the award to 10 other bloggers and let them know that you have awarded them.
7 Random Things About Me:
1. I was born on my grandfather's birthday, October 31st -Halloween (my Poppop on his 68th birthday and me on my 1st)
2. I was raised in a small town, where our house was the post office. (post office is on the right)
3. I am the youngest of 5 brother is 20 years older then me.
4. My niece is 3 1/2 years younger than me and she is my best friend.
5. I have 2 cats, Boo (black) and Pumpkin (orange)....notice they are Halloween colors. =) (this picture cracks me up...they are looking for a ladybug that flew into the light)
6. I love music and I sing often in my church....I even sang in a traveling group while in college (2005).
7. My husband and I just celebrated our 2 year anniversary September 26th! I love him more then ever! =)
Passing on the award
I don't know that I can say I read 10 blogs regularly, but I do have some favorites so I'll just list the ones that I do enjoy to read....
1. Sew Take a Hike
2. Make it - Love it
3. Xtophy Design Studio
4. Getz Creative
5. of course, Homemakin-Decoratin =)
6. CentsationalGirl
7. Hostest with the Mostest
I'm sure there are others that I'm missing...but these are probably the ones I visit most regularly. =) (I know it's not 10, but I'm close)
I have lots to post about and not a lots of time....can't wait to share the latest and greatest with you! =) Until next time....
Hmmm.. Ah yes, I do recall having a photo (or two) of you that could be slightly embarrassing ;) Thanks Amanda! Miss you!